The So-Called Healthy Foods That Are Actually Wrecking Your Gut

Do you ever feel like you’re doing all the right things for your health, but you’re still not seeing the results you want?

You’re definitely not alone.

And honestly, I think it’s because so much of the information we’ve been given about what’s actually healthy and what’s not is just plain wrong.

Because the truth is that there are a LOT of so-called “healthy” foods out there that are actually really bad for us.

They’re full of sugar and artificial ingredients and all sorts of other junk that is totally wreaking havoc on our bodies, and especially on our gut health.

And gut health is a big deal. It’s actually one of the most important factors in your overall health and well-being, and it’s something that has a HUGE impact on your ability to lose weight and keep it off.

So today, I want to dive into this topic of gut health, and specifically talk about some of the more surprising foods that most of us think of as healthy, that are in reality wrecking your gut and wreaking havoc on your health.

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And then at the end, we’ll talk a little bit about what you can do to start reversing some of the damage, and get your gut health back on track.

I know what it’s like to feel totally addicted to sugar and all sorts of processed junk.

I know what it’s like to lose weight and then gain it back, and I know how frustrating it can be to try and try and try again, without ever seeing any real or lasting results.

And it’s because I’ve been there that I’m so incredibly passionate about helping other women get healthy and lose weight in a way that actually WORKS, and that is sustainable for the long run.

Because to me, this isn’t even just about weight loss. Not really. It’s about FREEDOM.

The freedom to look and feel your absolute best. The freedom NOT to be controlled by food addictions, or to feel sick and tired all the time, or to be caught up in all the big lies we’ve been fed by the food industry and the pharmaceutical industry and the weight loss industry and the media.

It’s about the freedom to pursue all of your OTHER big goals and dreams, because your health and your weight are no longer holding you back.

And if you are new around here, and this is your first time reading the Thinlicious blog, then let me say WELCOME, and also tell you how EXCITED I am that you’ve found me, and that you’ve found this blog.

Because seriously, there is SO much good stuff in here, and I know that it has the power to totally transform your life and your health.

And also, before we dive into today’s topic, I just want to quickly remind you that you can also download a free copy of our awesome free guide, which is the perfect companion to this blog, and will help you get a better idea of what the Thinlicious System is all about, and how it can help you lose weight and get healthy.

You can grab a copy of that guide for free HERE

So go and grab that, because it’s really good.

Alrighty, so with that out of the way, let’s talk about gut health, and why it’s so important, and what you may be doing to totally wreck it without even realizing it.

Why Gut Health Matters

So first things first—what IS gut health, and why is it so important?

Well, if you’re not familiar with the term, then you may not realize that your “gut” is simply another word for your digestive system.

It’s the part of your body that’s responsible for processing the food you eat, breaking it down into usable nutrients, and then eliminating the waste. And while that might sound pretty straightforward, the reality is that your digestive system is actually incredibly complex, and it needs to be working properly in order for your body to function the way it’s supposed to.

In fact, your gut health affects SO many different aspects of your health and well-being, from your immune system to your mental health and even your risk for developing chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. It also has a huge impact on your ability to lose weight and keep it off. So if you’re struggling with any of these things, then one of first places you’ll want to focus is on your gut health.

And yet, it’s something that so many of us totally take for granted, and don’t give much thought to at all. In fact, the modern American diet is SO bad for our gut health, and is causing so many problems, that it’s become a major public health issue.

So what’s to blame?

Well, a big part of the problem is all the processed, packaged, and fast foods that make up the majority of what we eat. These foods are typically high in sugar and unhealthy fats, and full of all sorts of artificial ingredients and chemicals that are wreaking havoc on our digestive systems.

And when your gut isn’t healthy, it can lead to a condition called leaky gut, which is basically what it sounds like—when the lining of your digestive system becomes permeable, allowing toxic particles, bacteria, and viruses to “leak” into your bloodstream. This can cause all sorts of inflammation and autoimmune issues, and can also make it nearly impossible to lose weight.

And I know you might be lreading right now and thinking, “well, leaky gut sounds bad, but this can’t possibly apply to me.” But the reality is that leaky gut syndrome is actually far more common than any of us probably realize. In fact, it’s estimated that as much as 70-80% of the population may have some form of leaky gut, and yet many people don’t even know it. That’s because the symptoms can be vague and wide-ranging, making it difficult to pinpoint as the root cause of health issues.

And chances are, if you’re struggling with your weight, gut health issues are at least partially to blame.

The So-Called Healthy Foods That Are Wrecking Your Gut

And while junk food is one of the biggest culprits in this modern gut health epidemic, it’s not just all the junk food that’s to blame.

There are actually a lot of so-called “healthy” foods out there that can be really bad for your gut health, and are contributing to this explosion of leaky gut and other digestive issues. And a lot of times, we don’t even realize it, because we’ve been told that these foods are GOOD for us, when in reality, they’re doing a whole lot of damage.

So let’s talk about some of those foods, and why they’re so bad for your gut.

Food #1: Yogurt & other dairy products

The first food I want to talk about is one that I think a lot of people are really surprised to hear can be bad for your gut, and that’s DAIRY, and especially yogurt. Because for so long we’ve been told that yogurt is a super healthy food that’s great for our digestion, right?

Well, not necessarily.

While it’s true that yogurt contains beneficial probiotics, which can be good for your gut, the problem is that most of the yogurt you find in the grocery store is not actually the kind of yogurt that’s good for you.

Instead, it’s usually packed with sugar and artificial flavors and sweeteners, all of which can be really bad for your gut health. In fact, some types of yogurt can have more sugar in them than a candy bar!

And all that sugar is basically canceling out any of the good benefits you might get from the probiotics.

But it’s not just the sugar that’s the problem when it comes to yogurt and other dairy products. Dairy is also a common allergen for a lot of people, and can cause all sorts of digestive issues, from bloating and gas to diarrhea and constipation. And when you’re trying to heal your gut, it’s best to avoid any foods that could be causing an allergic reaction or other inflammation.

Not only that, some dairy products also contain lectins, which are proteins found in certain plants that can be toxic to your gut lining. So even if you’re not allergic to dairy, it could still be causing problems for your digestive system.

That said, if you’re a yogurt lover, there is a way to still enjoy it in a way that’s good for your gut. Just look for a plain, unsweetened yogurt that’s made from grass-fed milk, and that contains live, active cultures.

You can then sweeten it naturally with a little bit of fresh fruit or a drizzle of honey, and add your own toppings like nuts and seeds. This way, you get all the benefits of the probiotics, without any of the added sugar and artificial junk.

It’s also a good idea to focus on getting more sheep and goat dairy, which is way easier on your gut and is also high in natural MCT.

But I’d say dairy is definitely the first thing you’d want to consider cutting out if you’re experiencing gut issues.

Food #2: Whole Grains (AKA Gluten)

The next food that’s often touted as being “healthy” but can actually be really bad for your gut is whole grains—aka GLUTEN, which is the protein found in wheat and other whole grains.

And this is a tough one for a lot of people to hear, because we’ve been so thoroughly indoctrinated to believe that grains are a necessary part of our diet, and that they’re good for us. But they’re really not that great.

Just the other day my daughter brought home a bag of SunChips and I was just laughing at the package, which is carefully designed to make people think you’re choosing a healthy alternative to potato chips. It even says “heart healthy” right there on the front of the bag.

It’s the same thing when you walk down the cereal aisle. Almost every single package touts the fact that it’s made with whole grains and is therefore heart healthy, when the reality is actually anything but.

Because the truth is that gluten is actually a very common allergen for a lot of people, and can cause all sorts of digestive issues, from bloating and gas to constipation and diarrhea. It’s also been linked to leaky gut, inflammation, and autoimmune diseases like celiac disease and rheumatoid arthritis.

And the really insidious thing about gluten is that it’s in SO many foods, even ones you wouldn’t expect, like salad dressings, sauces, and even some medications and supplements. So if you’re trying to avoid gluten, you really have to be a careful label reader, and pay close attention to what’s in the foods you’re eating.

That said, if you’re worried about your gut health, it’s probably a good idea to avoid gluten as much as possible, and see if you notice any improvement in your symptoms. There are plenty of gluten-free alternatives out there these days, and many of them are actually quite good.

Or you can try cutting out grains altogether and replacing them with healthier low-carb options like vegetables, fruits, and lean proteins. It might sound tough at first, but your gut will thank you for it in the long run.

So that’s the second food to watch out for—whole grains.

Food #3: Legumes

Another food that’s often touted as being a healthy source of protein and fiber, but that can actually be really hard on your gut, is LEGUMES, which include things like beans, lentils, and peanuts.

And the reason for this is that legumes contain a type of carbohydrate called an oligosaccharide, which can be difficult for your body to digest.

This can cause all sorts of digestive issues, including bloating and gas. In fact, you’ve probably heard the saying “beans, beans, the magical fruit, the more you eat, the more you….” well, you get the idea. And that’s because it’s true. Legumes can cause a lot of gas and discomfort for a lot of people.

Not only that, legumes are also high in lectins, which as we discussed earlier, can be toxic to your gut lining. So it’s really no surprise that so many people have trouble digesting legumes.

But again, this doesn’t mean you have to cut out all legumes completely. If you love beans or lentils, there are ways to prepare them that can make them easier on your gut.

For example, soaking them overnight before cooking can help to break down some of the hard-to-digest components, making them more gentle on your digestive system. You can also try adding herbs and spices that aid in digestion, like cumin or ginger, or try adding a little bit of apple cider vinegar to the soaking water, which can help to further improve digestibility.

And if legumes are just too much for your gut to handle, there are plenty of other sources of plant-based protein and fiber that you can turn to.

Nuts, seeds, and even fruits and vegetables can all provide you with the nutrients you need without any of the digestive discomfort that comes with legumes.

So watch out for legumes—the third so called healthy food that could be wrecking your gut.

Food #4: Diet sodas and other artificial sweeteners

The next food that’s really bad for your gut, and probably not all that surprising, is DIET SODAS and other foods and drinks that contain artificial sweeteners.

And I know this is a tough one for a lot of people to hear, because diet sodas and other artificially sweetened foods are often seen as a “healthier” alternative to the regular versions that contain sugar.

And if you’re trying to lose weight, then you may have even been told that diet sodas are a good way to satisfy your sweet tooth without all the extra calories.

But the truth is that most artificial sweeteners are actually really terrible for your gut health, and for your health in general.

In fact, studies have shown that artificial sweeteners can alter the composition of your gut bacteria, and not in a good way.

These sweeteners can also increase your risk for obesity, type 2 diabetes, and other metabolic diseases. And that’s because even though they don’t contain any calories, they can still trick your body into thinking that it’s getting sugar, which can then cause all sorts of hormonal imbalances and insulin resistance.

So if you’re serious about healing your gut and losing weight, then it’s best to avoid artificial sweeteners as much as possible, especially chemical sweeteners like aspartame, sucralose, and saccharin.

Instead, try using natural sweeteners like stevia, monk fruit extract, allulose, or even small amounts of raw honey or maple syrup in moderation.

Remember, just because something is marketed as “diet” doesn’t mean it’s good for you—especially when it comes to your gut health.

So that’s the fourth so-called healthy food that’s wrecking your gut—diet soda and artificial chemical sweeteners.

Food #5: Vegetable oils

And finally, the last food that’s really bad for your gut, and that you’ll want to try and avoid as much as possible, is VEGETABLE OILS, and especially the highly processed ones like canola, soybean, and corn oil.

And this can be a tough one, because these oils are found in SO many foods and used in SO many restaurants for cooking and frying. But the truth is that vegetable oils are incredibly unhealthy—literally TOXIC—and can cause all sorts of problems for your gut and your overall health.

For one thing, these oils are very high in omega-6 fatty acids, which can cause inflammation in the body and lead to a whole host of health problems, from heart disease and cancer to depression and autoimmune diseases. They can also disrupt the balance of bacteria in your gut, and contribute to leaky gut syndrome.

And the really insidious thing about vegetable oils is that they’re often marketed as being “heart healthy,” when in reality, they’re anything but.

So if you want to improve your gut health and your overall health, it’s best to avoid these oils as much as possible, and opt for healthier alternatives like olive oil, coconut oil, and avocado oil instead.

So those are the 5 foods that are most likely wrecking your gut and wreaking havoc on your health—dairy, gluten, legumes, artificial sweeteners, and vegetable oils. And I know that for a lot of people, these are probably the foods you eat most often, and the ones you’ve been told are the HEALTHIEST for you, which is why it can be so hard to wrap your head around the idea that they’re actually causing so much damage.

But the good news is that there ARE healthier alternatives out there, and you CAN start making changes to improve your gut health, without giving up all the foods you love. It just takes a little bit of knowledge and a little bit of effort to start making better choices.

So how do you do that? How do you start making better choices for your health and your gut? Well, like I said, we’ll talk more about that in just a minute. But first, let’s take a quick look at exactly what all this damage to your gut health is actually doing to your body.

Signs of Poor Gut Health

Because it’s one thing to know WHAT foods are bad for your gut, and WHY they’re so bad, but if you don’t actually understand the CONSEQUENCES of eating those foods, then it can be really hard to find the motivation to change. So I think it’s also helpful just to take a quick look at some of the most common SIGNS that your gut health may be suffering, and that it’s time to start making some changes.

The first and most obvious sign is that you may be experiencing a lot of digestive issues, like bloating, gas, diarrhea, or constipation. And I think a lot of times we just sort of accept these things as a normal part of life, or we blame them on other things, like stress or hormones. But the reality is that they’re often a sign that something is not right with your gut, and that it needs some help.

Another common sign of poor gut health is food sensitivities and allergies. This is because when your gut is leaky, it allows particles of undigested food to enter your bloodstream, which can trigger an immune response. You may notice that you have reactions to certain foods, like dairy or gluten, or that you get headaches or brain fog after eating certain things.

You may also notice a lot of inflammation in your body, or have joint pain and muscle aches. This is because leaky gut can lead to an increase in inflammatory markers in your blood, which can cause all sorts of problems throughout your body.

And speaking of inflammation, that can also manifest as skin issues, like acne, eczema, and psoriasis. Because your skin is your body’s largest organ, and it’s often the first place that inflammation will show up.

And then there’s the issue of FATIGUE. So many of us are SO tired all the time, and we rely on caffeine and sugar and other stimulants just to get through the day. But the truth is that this fatigue is often a sign that something is not right with your gut. Because when your body has to work extra hard to digest all the junk you’re putting into it, it can really zap your energy. And this is especially true if you’re not getting enough of the right nutrients from your food.

And finally, one of the biggest signs that your gut health may be suffering is that you’re having a really hard time losing weight, and keeping it off. Because when your gut isn’t healthy, it can wreak absolute HAVOC on your hormones, and especially on your insulin levels, making it nearly impossible for you to shed those extra pounds.

So if any of these signs sound familiar, then it’s probably time to start taking your gut health a little more seriously, and making some changes to your diet.

Luckily if you’ve been reading this blog for any amount of time, you probably already know what I’m going to say about this.

Focus on cutting out sugar and carbohydrates and all the refined processed crap foods, and instead eating a diet that is high in nutrient dense-protein, whole foods, and healthy fat.

And while that’s easy in theory, I know sometimes actually implementing it can feel overwhelming.

Honestly, that’s why our Thin Adapted System exists—to help walk you through the changes you need to make—and to understand the science behind those changes—so that you can actually heal your body from the inside out by reversing insulin resistance, balancing your hormones, and YES, healing your gut.

Because when you do all of that, the weight loss is actually the easy part. It just happens, naturally, without dieting, without drugs, and without making yourself miserable.

Because like I said at the beginning, to me this whole mission of helping women transform their lives by getting healthy is about SO MUCH MORE than just weight loss and fitting into your skinny jeans.

It’s about freedom.

And when you heal your body, you feel free.

So if you want more information about how to get started, be sure to go check out our free guide—again it’s called Flip the Switch, and it’s really helpful and in depth. And you can get it free, right HERE.

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