The Best Time to Drink a Protein Shake for Maximum Benefits

As a sports dietitian for professional soccer players, I used to shake up at least 30 protein shakes a day for my athletes to guzzle down after practice. But protein shakes aren’t just for the pros. They are a convenient way for anyone to consume more protein. 

If you rely on protein shakes for muscle building, managing your weight or workout recovery, you might be wondering: when is the best time to take them? Below, we discuss what factors affect protein absorption, share tips for how to get the most protein bang for your buck and identify the best time to take one based on your unique goals.

Factors Affecting Protein Absorption

Type of Protein 

The type of protein you choose will dictate how fast or slow it’s absorbed by your body. Whey protein stands out on top as the king of fast-acting proteins. But there are different types of whey proteins available. Whey protein hydrolysate is already partially broken down for your body and it can be quickly absorbed. Whey protein isolate and whey protein concentrate follow closely behind in terms of digestion speed. 

Next, soy and pea proteins are also absorbed quickly, but not as fast as whey. However, if you’re dairy-free, the plus here is that these are both plant-based proteins. 

Last, we have casein, the champion of slow-acting proteins. Research suggests casein can stay in your system for up to 6 hours after ingesting, providing a slow and steady release of protein. 

The Type of Fluid  

The type of fluid used to mix your protein powder can also impact how your body absorbs it. Mixing protein powder with plain water speeds up shake digestion, since there is no fat or additional protein to slow it down. Juice is another speedy mixer for protein powder since juices are a source of carbs that are also digested quickly. Another benefit to a juice mixer? It can refuel your body’s carb stores, which is especially important if you’re sipping the shake post-workout. 

Both dairy milk (such as low-fat or whole milk) and non-dairy milks (almond, oat or coconut) can also be used. However, the fats in milk, regardless if it’s dairy or plant-based, will slow down protein absorption. 

Additional Ingredients

Along with protein powder, you might be blending other ingredients into your shake, such as fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds and grains. These additions can boost the flavor and nutrients and turn the shake into a more balanced beverage. (Kind of like a protein smoothie!) However, both fat and fiber-rich foods digest slowly and will slow down the speed in which protein is absorbed. This might be ideal if you’re using your shake as a meal replacement. But for a post-workout shake where faster protein absorption is preferred, sticking to just water is likely your best option. 

Individual Factors

Factors like age and medical conditions play a role in protein absorption, too. Older adults, for example, have a decreased ability to absorb and utilize protein. Therefore, they have higher protein needs. In addition, a person with digestive disorders, such as Crohn’s disease, may have decreased protein absorption, slowing down absorption rates. 

How to Maximize Protein Absorption

Putting it altogether, here’s how I advise people to make up their protein shake:

  • Choose a fast protein: If you can tolerate milk, select whey protein hydrolysate or whey protein isolate for the fastest-to-absorb protein. If you need dairy-free, choose soy or pea protein for an alternative speedy option. 
  • Use water: Water is the fastest vehicle to deliver protein to your body. 
  • Limit other ingredients: Keep it simple and skip fancy additions to your shake. Blending in fruits, veggies and nut butters may add nutrients, but added fiber and fat will also slow down protein absorption. 
  • Stay Hydrated: Being properly hydrated is key for optimal protein delivery and absorption. Make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep protein moving smoothly and support all other bodily functions. 

Timing of Protein Shake Consumption

Your Goal: Muscle Gains & Recovery

Have you heard of the “recovery window”? This window refers to the specific time post-exercise when it’s ideal to refuel muscles with nutrients. After a workout your body’s tanks are empty, and they need to be replenished with plenty of carbs and protein. The carbs help top off energy tanks (aka glycogen) and the protein repairs tiny tears in muscle fibers. Refueling quickly with a shake can jumpstart this recovery process by initiating muscle protein synthesis, which builds muscle tissue. If your goal is to gain muscle and support post-workout recovery, the best time to guzzle down your protein shake is 30 to 60 minutes right after you finish your workout. 

However, if you’re going into a workout on an empty stomach–you just woke up or haven’t eaten in a few hours–a pre-workout protein shake can be helpful. It provides your empty tanks with an easy-to-digest protein, some fuel and can prevent excess muscle breakdown during the workout. 

During times of intense training, athletes may also be advised to drink a protein shake before bed to promote muscle recovery overnight. Research says 30 minutes before sleep is the ideal time to drink your shake for these benefits. 

Your Goal: General Health 

Unlike carbs and fat, your body doesn’t store protein for later use. It’s important to consume a consistent amount of protein throughout the day. If you struggle to get enough protein at meal times, a protein shake can be a great way to supplement your diet and provide your body with essential macronutrients. The exact time will differ for everyone. Think about the time of day you struggle to consume enough protein (such as at breakfast or maybe a busy schedule that makes lunch tough)–that’s the best time for you to have a protein shake. 

Your Goal: Weight Gain or Loss

If your goal is to gain weight, incorporating protein shakes throughout the day and/or as a bedtime snack can help you reach your total calorie and protein goals. 

On the other hand, if your goal is weight loss, a protein shake can be a convenient way to fill protein gaps in your diet. Research shows that following a high protein diet is important when trying to lose weight, as it helps while preserving lean muscle as your body composition changes.

Health and Safety Considerations When Consuming Protein Shakes

Protein powders are considered a dietary supplement, which means they are not reviewed by the FDA before they’re sold. Therefore you should purchase one with caution–and you can do so by looking for brands that have third-party certification, which ensures their quality and safety. Supplements that have third-party testing have been verified to contain the ingredients on the label and are free of contaminants. These certificates are often displayed on the product label, so look for them before you add one to your shopping cart. 

The Bottom Line

If you’re looking to get the most benefits out of your protein shake and to maximize protein absorption, choose a fast-digesting protein (like whey) and mix with water. The best time to take your shake will depend on your goals. If your goal is to gain muscle post-workout or promote muscle recovery, having it right after your workout is key. If you’re using a protein shake to supplement your diet and address protein gaps, drink it whenever your protein intake falls short during the day.

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