Finding Joy and Prioritizing Your Health in Your 60s (and Beyond)

Are you ready to transform your life and embark on a journey to finding joy and better health? Allow me to introduce you to Roberta Duncan, an extraordinary individual who took 67 years to make that life-changing decision. Her story is a testament to the fact that it’s never too late to prioritize your well-being. Get ready to be inspired by her incredible journey!

Meet Roberta Duncan!

Roberta Duncan may have been a late bloomer when it came to health and weight loss, but when she stumbled upon the 28-Day Metabolism Reset at the age of 67, everything changed. After years of struggling with her weight and feeling miserable, she had nearly lost all hope.

Perhaps some of you can empathize with that feeling. You try diet after diet, obsessing about losing weight and letting life pass you by, but nothing seems to stick. All of the diets end up feeling like they are just too hard, and you eventually give up before seeing any real results.

That was Roberta’s experience before she found joined the program. She decided to give it a try, and the rest is history. In less than a year, she had completely transformed her life. She lost over 40 pounds and regained control of her health (and mindset) again!

Are you ready to lose weight and heal your body for life (without dieting, drugs, or making yourself miserable)?

How to Lose Weight & Transform Your Health for Life

Our free on-demand video training will walk you through how to make this THE year you set health goals…and keep them.

But what inspired Roberta most was not just losing weight.

Roberta’s journey to joining the Thinlicious community

Roberta shares, “In 2017, I discovered that I had congestive heart failure. It was a difficult time for my health, but it also gave me a strong motivation to improve my well-being. I underwent a heart transplant evaluation to address the issues I was facing.

Now, things have greatly improved! I recently saw my heart doctor, and she is absolutely thrilled with my progress. If you’re not familiar with this condition, let me explain.

The bottom of your heart pumps blood like an oil well. It pushes the blood up and out, giving you energy and allowing you to breathe. Unfortunately, my heart was only pumping less than 25% of the blood back out. However, I’m happy to share that my ejection fraction is now at least 50%, which is considered normal.

Despite still having some challenges, such as a floppy left side and a defibrillator pacemaker, I feel so much better overall. My heart doctor continues to be impressed with my achievements and encourages me to keep up the good work.”

Roberta’s story is truly inspiring. She made the decision to take control of her life and get healthy, something that many people never do. She has regained a new sense of energy, joy, and purpose in life.

In this blog post, we’ll explore how to find joy (and choose yourself) in life.

Here at Thinlicious, we understand how easy it is to fall into the trap of putting your happiness last or feeling overwhelmed by everything that isn’t “perfect”.

But there are ways to take control of your life even when things seem out of reach, like losing weight.

The best advice for finding joy in your life usually comes from within

Sometimes, we’re so good at encouraging everybody else. And yet the things that we say to our face in the mirror, the way that we treat our bodies, are like we’re a terrible, terrible friend to ourselves. Well, no more!

Here’s to finding the joy in the journey and never looking back…

Embrace a new, doable way of living

The first step to finding joy in life is starting with a goal that’s doable. It doesn’t have to be huge; it just has to be something you can work towards and accomplish.

Maybe it’s cutting out added sugar from your diet or adding more vegetables into your meal plan every day. Whatever it is, make sure that it’s realistic. You’re not going to find joy if you set yourself up for failure!

Take the time to feel good about yourself

It’s easy to get stuck in negative thoughts and feelings about ourselves, but it doesn’t have to stay that way.

Start by acknowledging your hard work and dedication towards making healthy changes in your life. Celebrate small wins and take a few moments from your day to give yourself credit for all that you have achieved.

Eat nourishing food that will make you feel good

When we nourish our bodies the way that we should, it can be life-changing. Eating healthy food will give you the energy and nourishment that your body needs to stay healthy and active—not only physically but mentally as well.

We asked Roberta what her go-to meals and this is what she said, “Personally, I can’t get enough of my amazing cheesy scrambled eggs—they’re like nothing I’ve ever tasted before! It’s the perfect balance of fat, protein, and carbs that makes it so satisfying and delicious.

Low-carb bagels are also a favorite of mine, especially everything bagels. I used to think making them was difficult, but it’s actually a staple in my refrigerator.

Sometimes, when I’m craving something sweet, I opt for something savory instead because I know I need the protein. So I’ll grab a stick of cheese, an egg, or roll up some deli meat with a pickle and satisfy my hunger.

Cold chicken is another dish I could eat all day long. My favorite is Parmesan-crusted chicken, although lasagna is pretty good too.”

When choosing meals, look for the ones that fuel your body and make you feel good. This will give you a boost of energy and help keep your mood up throughout the day!

Be kind to yourself

Negative self-talk is one of the biggest obstacles that can keep us from finding joy in life. It’s so easy to get caught up in comparing ourselves to others and beating ourselves up for not being perfect.

Roberta shares, “You know what? I’m done with having an unhealthy mindset. I don’t wanna sabotage myself anymore or devalue myself. As women, it’s all too easy to fall into that trap. But not me. I’ve been caught up in it for far too long! It’s time to break free and keep growing. I want to know that every step I take is worth it, and I know it is.”

It’s a powerful reminder that we are truly worth it. We are worth the effort, the attention, and every bit of it. We deserve to live a good, healthy, and fulfilling life.

When we don’t value ourselves, when our mindset isn’t aligned, it becomes even more challenging to shed that weight. But remember, we have the strength within us to overcome any obstacle.

Let’s embrace our worth and embark on this journey towards a better version of ourselves!


We recently took some time to ask Roberta some questions about her 48-pound weight loss journey and going through the 28-Day Reset. We wanted to share them with you in case you were having the same questions yourselves!

Tell us why you wanted to try Thinlicious. What was it about this that felt different from things you had tried before?

“I was inspired by Ruth’s success and thought maybe I could do it too. At first, I was skeptical about cutting out sugar and flour from my diet because I love cooking, but I was willing to give it a try for 28 days. All because my health was seriously suffering.

My blood sugar was dangerously high, and I felt terrible—like a blown-up balloon. I was constantly tired and uncomfortable.

However, once I started this program, things started to change surprisingly quickly. I had a long way to go, but in the first 28 days alone, I lost 15 pounds—something I hadn’t achieved in years!

Did you have any small goals or big goals when you started out?

“I wanted to feel better and try different weight loss methods. I didn’t have any expectations, just wanted to see if I could achieve even a fraction of Ruth’s success.

And after 28 days, I knew I had to continue with this program because it was the answer for me!

I wanted to take care of my body as I age and prevent any premature breakdown. I couldn’t wait to learn more about the Thin Adapted System (TAS) and get more information because it made so much sense.

This program answered so many questions about why my hormones were a mess. It evened things out for me, and looking back, I suffered so much in my 30’s and 40’s.

Who would’ve thought that adding more fat to my diet would help? We weren’t taught these things that we should have known.

Reading “The Obesity Code” by Dr. Jason Fung confirmed everything Ruth was saying. It’s not just her, but other doctors too.”

How did you flip your mindset and change your diet?

“I mentioned before I love to cook, so I decided to really hone in on that. Cooking makes me happy, and I get to explore new recipes and ingredients. I got to find the recipes that resonated with me and would make it easier for me to stay on track.

Cooking with alternative flours and ingredients used to scare me, but I found a solution that changed everything. In the 28-day challenge, we talk about a game-changer: building confidence in the kitchen.

By dedicating a specific space in my kitchen for the ingredients I needed and organizing my cabinets, everything became so much easier! Plus, having a second refrigerator stocked with essentials like cheese and meats meant I didn’t have to constantly run to the grocery store.

And let’s not forget about the amazing recipes! I printed out every delicious recipe from the summit and organized them into notebooks. Sure, I could have gone digital, but there’s something special about having physical copies to really grasp the recipes.

If you’re like me and want to take your cooking to the next level, these tips and resources will be a game-changer for you too.”

How has losing 48 pounds changed your goals since you started?

“My initial goal was to ditch my size 22 jeans and find something more comfortable. I’ve actually managed to drop down to a size 14, and they’re even a bit loose on me, which is great!

This time, I wanted to clear out my closet. In the past, I’ve had multiple closets filled with clothes of different sizes; all saved “just in case”. You know how it goes, different sizes for different seasons of life.

So, I made a promise to myself to go through everything and put whatever doesn’t fit into storage bins, then take it to the consignment shop when the time comes.”

Do you have tips for how you make this work in your everyday life?

I realized that having a few go-to recipes is much easier than having a bunch. My husband may not have a refined palate, but he eats whatever I cook.

We’ve always been big meat eaters, so our staple foods are meat, cheese, and eggs. He also enjoys baked potatoes or french fries.

Recently, I tried frying rutabaga because I wanted to see what it tasted like. I also started using cauliflower as a rice substitute, which is incredibly versatile.

For breakfast, we love eggs, bacon, and sausage. During a 28-day challenge, I discovered my love for bagels and pork chops with a Parmesan crust.

Grilling is a favorite activity of ours, especially hamburgers. I learned a new method where I add sautéed onions and cheese to the cooking patty, resulting in a delicious burger. You can enjoy it as a lettuce wrap or with a low-carb burger bun.

A little realization I had recently is that when you go somewhere, it’s a good idea to bring something to eat. I used to always bring what everyone else liked, but now I also make sure to bring something that I can eat and that others can enjoy too.

This was huge for me, and I reminded myself that it’s okay to prioritize what I need. After all, if I don’t, who else will?”

What advice would you give to someone who is just starting out? What do you know now that you wish you would’ve known?

“If you want to make a positive change in your diet, start by cutting out sugar and flour. It might seem overwhelming at first with all the new information and tasks, like Zoom calls and grocery shopping. But don’t worry about doing everything at once. Take it easy and gradually incorporate new habits into your routine!

You don’t need to buy everything you need for weeks in advance. Just get the basics for a week’s worth of meals and then decide what you want to try next. Also, don’t feel pressured to rush through the program or move on to the next phase. Take your time and listen to your body.

Remember, weight loss is a journey that doesn’t require rushing. Stay in phase one for as long as it feels good for you. Learn and absorb the program at your own pace. Attend accountability calls and seek support from the incredible Thinlicious community on Facebook!

Most importantly—If you have a setback, don’t beat yourself up. Simply strive to do better tomorrow or at the next meal. Slow down, focus on what you’re learning, and embrace the process.

You’ve got this!

Next Steps

If you found this post helpful, you’ll love the podcast where we interview
Roberta. Listen to the Ditch the Carbs Podcast here!

Our 28-Day Metabolism Reset for a simple and efficient way to lose weight if are struggling to commit to a healthy lifestyle. This program provides all the necessary tools and resources (just look at Roberta’s success!) for making long-term improvements to your health and nutrition.

You will receive meal plans, shopping lists, recipes, and an accountability group to assist you in achieving your objectives. You don’t need to handle it solo; we’re here to support you!

Check out the 28-Day Metabolism Reset here!

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