Celebrate The Little Wins with Kiley Woodland


April 25, 2024

Power of Electrolytes

In today’s episode of the Keto Diet Podcast, we delve into a riveting and deeply personal journey with our guest, Kiley Woodland, a singer-songwriter who has turned her significant health challenges into a source of inspiration and advocacy. Kiley opens up about her struggles with PTSD, the physical and emotional toll of fluoroquinolone toxicity, and how she transformed these experiences into opportunities for growth and healing.

Kiley Woodland, an impressive young woman that after being treated with fluoroquinolone antibiotic, she went through a cascade of mitochondrial symptoms that shifted her health (and life) forever.

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Kiley Woodland [00:00:00]:

I’m sad to hear, oh, another person is experiencing this, and what’s trippy about it is that most of the time, from the people I hear from, they are not even given any kind of diagnosis, and half the time, their culture will come back of like, oh, I got it for Uti, and it turned out I didn’t even have a UTI, and it destroyed me. So that’s one of the biggest things that I feel kind of responsible for at this point, is, like, paying it forward and just letting people know that, you know, something as simple as an ear infection or an eye infection or a UTI or my mild stomach discomfort, you can be just prescribed a fluoroquinolone antibiotic. And so I really just try to, you know, instead of saying, like, this is what I would do, it’s really not about that. It’s just like, just make yourself informed on the topic.

Leanne Vogel [00:00:45]:

Hello, my friend, and welcome to another.

Leanne Vogel [00:00:48]:

Episode of the Keto Diet podcast.

Leanne Vogel [00:00:51]:

This is one of the last, not the last times I will say this, but one of the last times that I will say, welcome to the keto diet podcast. I want to share this publicly so that I actually move forward with it, because I have been mulling on that.

Leanne Vogel [00:01:06]:

I have been marinating on this for over a year, and I just need to go out there and say it so that I move forward because I’ve had cold feet there and back and there and back again. We need to rename the show, and I feel like if you’ve been a longtime listener, you’ve probably thought, Leanne, what are you doing? You need to rename the show. And I’ve just been hesitant because there are so many aspects of the ketogenic diet that I personally practice that it makes up a huge bulk of the work that I do with my clients, and I will forever love the ketogenic diet for what it did for my health. However, over time, the show has turned into more of a functional wellness show, and I want the title of the show to match the intention behind the show. And as the intention has changed, the title needs to follow suit. And so we will still be talking about a low carb lifestyle, looking at the world from a functional perspective, from the lens of a low carb approach. But the name needs to change. And so over the course of the next couple of weeks, we’re going to start shifting things around a little bit, just in the name.

Leanne Vogel [00:02:22]:

The episodes will still be what you know and love. The flow of it will be the same. I’m not changing anything else. Other than the title of the show. And if I’m being honest, over the last year or two, really, the strategy behind the show has shifted to be more of a functional wellness show. As I continue to look for guests that challenge my ideas and I know will challenge yours, even outside of the ketogenic diet template. Now, this doesn’t mean that I’m stopping coaching on Keto. It doesn’t mean that now I’m eating all of the carbs and I’m never going to eat keto again.

Leanne Vogel [00:03:00]:

It just means that I’m trying to have a broader scope. I remember, like, a little story time here in 2009, I was sitting around the campfire with my parents and my husband, who wasn’t my husband at the time. He was there. Kevin was there, my mom and my dad. And we were just chatting about this blog that I wanted to set up, and I was really excited about it. And I had nailed down a name. It had the word vegan in it. And my dad looked at me, he’s like, this is a terrible idea.

Leanne Vogel [00:03:29]:

And I was like, what do you mean, a terrible idea? He’s like, leanne, if there’s anything I know about you over the last. I think I was, like, 21 at the time. The last couple decades I’ve known you is that you are constantly evolving and changing, and vegan works really great for you now. But I am pretty certain in a couple of years, you’re gonna find something that’s gonna challenge you more, and you’re gonna learn everything about it, and you’re gonna educate people on that. And he was so right. And so over the course of that weekend, we came up with the name healthful pursuit. And I am so thankful for this brand. I am so thankful for the company that we built back then.

Leanne Vogel [00:04:07]:

I can’t even comprehend that this was 15 years ago. And so much has shifted and moved and grown within the company. If there’s one thing that I don’t love about the name, it’s that it’s very challenging to pronounce and very challenging to communicate. Healthful pursuit. A lot of people don’t know how to say pursuit.

Leanne Vogel [00:04:29]:

Spell healthful.

Leanne Vogel [00:04:30]:

It gets very confusing. And so that’s one thing that, looking back, I wish I would have thought through that more, but it’s so true in that this really is a pursuit of health in the best way that we can. And our guest today follows this so beautifully through one of the most challenging circumstances I think I’ve ever interviewed somebody on. And so I’m so honored to get to share this guest with you today. And I also wanted to just prepare you for some of these changes over the next couple of weeks so that you’re not like, ah, what’s happening? So the next couple of episodes, I’ll kind of be teasing what’s going on and why. So when you log into your favorite podcast player in a couple of weeks, you’re not like, where did the Keto diet podcast go? This sucks. What’s Leanne doing? It’s really the same show. We’re just renaming it.

Leanne Vogel [00:05:24]:

Everything else is going to be the same.

Leanne Vogel [00:05:25]:


Leanne Vogel [00:05:26]:

So now that we have all of that out there, and I’m just. I’m so happy that I shared this with you, because now I have to do it.

Leanne Vogel [00:05:35]:

Whereas before, I was like, maybe I’ll just do it. Maybe I’ll just.

Leanne Vogel [00:05:38]:

Maybe I’ll just.

Leanne Vogel [00:05:38]:

And now it’s out there, I gotta do it. And now I’m accountable, and it’s just gonna happen. So our guest today is Kylie Woodland. She’s a passionate singer songwriter and recording artist with a deep commitment to health advocacy. After experiencing a severe adverse reaction to a commonly prescribed antibiotic, she founded celebrate the little wins. To spread awareness and support affected individuals. Kylie aims to help others discover their natural ability to heal and overcome anything. Her story is.

Leanne Vogel [00:06:12]:

Oh, man.

Leanne Vogel [00:06:14]:

So epic. I hope you’ll come along this ride with me with just, like, a really open mind and a ton of compassion for individuals. And maybe you’re one of these individuals who has just been ruined by certain health decisions that, looking back, maybe you feel like you didn’t actually make a decision. A decision was made for you. And if that’s the case, I am so deeply sorry and grieved that that is something that occurs. And I hope that in sharing her story, you’ll hear the amount of hope that she has and trust that she has. It’s just an incredible episode. I hope you love it.

Leanne Vogel [00:06:57]:

And if you want to connect with Kylie, her Instagram is celebrate the little wins. Her TikTok, the same thing. Celebrate the little wins. We also have a toxic relief guide to share with you, so check out the show notes for that link and then her website, celebratethelittlewinds.com. Okay, let’s cut over to our conversation with Kylie.

Leanne Vogel [00:07:23]:

Hey. My name is Leanne Vogel. I’m fascinated with helping women navigate how to eat, move, and care for their bodies using a low carb diet. I’m a small town holistic nutritionist turned three time international bestselling author turned functional medicine practitioner, offering telemedicine services around the globe to women looking to better their health and stop second guessing themselves. I’m here to teach you how to wade through the wellness noise to get to the good stuff that’ll help you achieve your goals. We’re supporting your low carb life beyond the if it fits your macros, conversation, hormones, emotions, relationship to your body, workouts, letdowns, motivation, blood work, detoxing, metabolism. I’m providing the tools to put your motivation into action. Think of it like quality time with your bestie mixed with a little med school so you’re empowered at your next doctor visit.

Leanne Vogel [00:08:13]:

Get ready to be challenged and encouraged while you learn about your body and.

Leanne Vogel [00:08:18]:

How to care for it better. This is the Keto diet podcast.

Leanne Vogel [00:08:31]:

Kylie, how’s it going?

Kiley Woodland [00:08:33]:

It’s going great, Leanne, how are you?

Leanne Vogel [00:08:35]:

Oh, I’m so good. At least you got my name right the first time. We just had a fake recording and.

Leanne Vogel [00:08:42]:

We won’t go live with that.

Leanne Vogel [00:08:44]:

Thanks so much for coming on the show. It’s been a long day for me. Has it been a long day for you?

Kiley Woodland [00:08:50]:

It has, it has. But I’m glad to be here with you. It’s an honor and I love following your journey online. It’s been so refreshing and just really glad we could connect.

Leanne Vogel [00:08:59]:

Oh, same with you. It’s so fun. Social media sucks in a lot of ways. There’s this current trend going on right now. Maybe you’ve seen it, of social media being fake and behind it. This is kind of like what’s going on and how challenging life is, and there are those aspects. But the coolest thing about being on social media is that things like this get to happen where I was just scrolling through Instagram reels and I saw a video of you just, like, sharing what was going on in your life. And I was like, wow, this human is amazing.

Leanne Vogel [00:09:32]:

I need to have a conversation with her. And here we are. So thanks so much for coming on.

Kiley Woodland [00:09:36]:

That makes me so happy. I did partake in the social media’s fake post, but what’s been interesting for me, going through such turmoil and having my life turned upside down in the last few years, has been coming to this realization point that I did actually want to share, like, the really terrible things that I was going through to help others maybe feel not so alone and to help myself not feel so alone. And it’s created such a blossoming, beautiful community out of it. And I think that’s just really cool thing to remember is like, social media is a tool for us to express ourselves, and there’s not really, like, there’s no perfect way to go about it. And so you can share intimate details about your life or things that you’re struggling with. And in my experience, it just opens up, like, the floodgates to meeting the most awesome people.

Leanne Vogel [00:10:23]:

Yes, totally. There’s that vulnerability that comes, you know, and it’s really cool having kind of been in this space for quite a long time. Like, I was around before Instagram was even a thing, and we would share, like, little mini updates on Facebook, and so it was so cool to see the progression, you know? And some of these people, I mean, there are individuals listening to the show right now who I met on tour who have, like, followed me over 17 years. And it’s just so crazy, the depth of connection that we can make with, with a tool like this. So it definitely has its positives, negatives.

Leanne Vogel [00:11:02]:

I would love to start off by you just introducing yourself a little bit.

Leanne Vogel [00:11:07]:

And kind of giving us maybe what lights you up. You chatted about it a little bit of just terrible things that have happened and you felt alone and you didn’t want others to feel alone.

Leanne Vogel [00:11:16]:

Can you get into a little bit.

Leanne Vogel [00:11:18]:

Like, broad scope what that kind of looked like for you?

Kiley Woodland [00:11:21]:

For sure. It’s mildly entertaining, for sure.

Leanne Vogel [00:11:28]:

I like that you have that spin on it. Like, you’ve gotten to the point where you’re like, it’s mildly entertaining.

Kiley Woodland [00:11:33]:

I think you get to a point sometimes with trauma where you just have to start laughing at it. And that is the route to healing for me right now. I am a singer songwriter and recording artist. I have put together multiple musical acts in the past, toured around open for kiss and Sarah McLaughlin and Sheryl Crowe, and done a lot of things as a musician and performer. And as I was on my journey of, you know, in my mind, becoming one of the biggest successes in the music industry, I’m going about my life, and I start having this pain in my side. This pain in my side starts persisting. And I grew up in a really, really holistic household. Born and raised vegan, remained that way for 28 years.

Kiley Woodland [00:12:17]:

I was like the person converting everyone in my life to veganism because I loved cooking, you know, I was always, like, so gung ho about this type of lifestyle. We had our own garden. I was learning about chinese medicine and giving myself acupuncture when I was five years old. Parents are both very holistic health practitioners, yada yada, the whole nine yards of very holistic upbringing. So here I am in my mid twenties, having this pain in my side. And at first, I started trying all different holistic healing modalities, chinese medicine, homeopathics, meditation, all that kind of stuff. What I realized was that I had surrounded myself with people who did not truly support me and who I was and who I was growing into as a person, and I felt stuck. So here I am thinking I’m building, like, my dream project, doing everything I can to, you know, the daily grind every single day, and I start having increasing health problems.

Kiley Woodland [00:13:14]:

Anyway, fast forward little while I still have this pain in my side, something’s like, just gnawing at me, nagging at me, being like something is not right. And I essentially go one day after a few weeks in bed, not being able to really, like, walk much because I had this pain in my side. Lots of GI issues. And I go to the hospital. So I’m in the ER, and they immediately give me an iv, this whole cocktail of steroids and antibiotics. And I was like, okay. Like, this is the first time, you know, I’m ever in the hospital or the ER, and pretty much the first time in my life that I’m trusting a doctor. And what happened was, I get administered antibiotics, right? They’re like, we’re just gonna give you this just in case.

Kiley Woodland [00:13:58]:

And I’m like, okay. Yeah, like that. Like, it makes sense, you know, no idea as to what was about to come next. So this is five years ago, by the way. Five years ago, I’m sitting there, I’m getting an iv full of antibiotics and steroids, whole concoction of stuff, just in case. Didn’t have any cultures or anything come back to say, this is the only thing that will help you. It was just kind of a, we’re throwing some stuff at the wall, and we’ll see if it helps you. So I was like, okay, yeah, okay.

Kiley Woodland [00:14:26]:

I trust you, doctor. Anyway, I come back from the ER, I start going about my life again, completely changed to a carnivore diet because my body at that point had rejected. I realized that my body, at 28 years old, was rejecting everything that I was used to eating, like, soy and legumes and grains and vegetables, fruit, like, literally everything. That was my diet, my life, my lifestyle, my identity. I had so much identity in my veganism. And in that moment, I had the humility to say if what I was doing was working, I would be getting a different result. And it was very, very hard for me to make that switch because, you know, I was the one that was constantly repping. Like, I grew up this way, and this is the way, and this is what’s right, period.

Kiley Woodland [00:15:13]:

And the only thing that really kind of took me from this place of, you know, thinking that I knew what was right for. For myself to being like, I know nothing is feeling like I was on my deathbed. I felt like I had gotten to the point with these symptoms. I didn’t know what to do. Nothing I was doing was working. Anyway, long story short, I start transforming my life in these different areas. One of them was with diet, and I pretty much switched to a, slowly switched to, like, an all carnivore diet and, you know, little bits of maybe, like, rice and stuff every so often. But my body really couldn’t handle anything else.

Kiley Woodland [00:15:49]:

And I was just like, this is like, the craziest, weirdest experience for me of, like, I literally never had dairy or meat in my entire life, not even one time. To being like, my day consists of, like, bone broth and homemade gummies and steak and, you know, all these things that are just like, how could you ever not vegan. Not vegan. All these things are not vegan, right? And I was like. But I started experiencing, like, this amazing healing. And fast forward three years after that, I am living in Boulder, Colorado. I’m like, I have a new lease on life, but I start feeling kind of like increased brain fog. And up until this point, from the hospital to three years later, I had symptoms that started to pop up, like muscle aches and pains, but they would, like, go away.

Kiley Woodland [00:16:37]:

I started to have brain fog and insomnia and be like, I have no idea where this is coming from because I’ve never experienced these symptoms before. Things like dry mouth, pretty much constantly. Vision got a little bit, you know, but I was starting to see, like, a lot of different. A lot of healing and these other areas, like Gi and stuff. Anyway, I’m working on my feet summer of 2022, working very long hours, and I come home and I’m starting to have this pain in my lower back. I had a really busy week and normally would never take an NSAID, but I had them in my cupboard, and I was just like, okay, like, curcumin. Everything else that I’m doing is not working. I’m gonna take one because I have to, like, pull through on this week.

Kiley Woodland [00:17:14]:

I take one, I start feeling increased. More of the brain fog and more of these, like, more neurological symptoms. Then I take another one the next day, and after that, I couldn’t walk. And I was like, this does not make any sense. I spend a few weeks on the couch. And this happened for the next about four or five months where I would have decent weeks of just being able to do my normal activities, working, whatnot. And then I would have weeks at a time where my joints would swell up. I wouldn’t be able to walk.

Kiley Woodland [00:17:40]:

Excruciating pain where it felt like someone was, like, sawing off my limbs, and then it would just, like, poof, go away. Anyway, a few months of that, I get to the point of I am immobile on my couch downstairs. I can no longer walk even a step on my own. My partner has to pour water into my mouth because I could not use my hands anymore. They were, like, crippled in so much pain. It felt like someone was sawing my limbs off with a steak knife 24 hours a day at every joint. I literally felt like I was in a torture chamber, and I had no idea what was going on. I thought maybe it was a slip disc or something.

Kiley Woodland [00:18:14]:

X rays proved that none of that was wrong. And I start praying and just meditating to the point of being, like, all I can do right now is open my eyes. So this is my only option. I don’t have the ability to scroll on my phone. I don’t have the ability to literally do anything. I can’t eat on my own anymore. I can’t walk to the bathroom. I feel like my body’s gonna explode.

Kiley Woodland [00:18:35]:

I start having this suicidal ideation. I start experiencing psychosis. I can’t look in the mirror anymore because of the visions I was seeing. We couldn’t even turn a light on in the room because the sensory issues were so extreme. And simultaneously, my joints are swelling up. I mean, it’s something, like, out of. And these are just kind of, like, scratching the surface on the symptoms I was experiencing. At that point, I had about 70 symptoms, and I was just.

Kiley Woodland [00:18:59]:

I was completely at a loss. I had no idea what was going on. And my thought had. I literally had no thought. You know what I took three years ago?

Leanne Vogel [00:19:08]:

Why would you. Like, why would you even think about that?

Kiley Woodland [00:19:11]:

Yeah, right? So I’m praying, I’m praying, I’m praying. I’m like, you know, this is my, like, last ditch effort of being, like, I’m now thinking of ways to end this daily, like, constantly. I have no quality of life. I’m laying literally. I feel like a corpse. And as I’m meditating, as I’m praying, I start getting into this space of. I feel like I’m, like I’m talking to, like, my guardian angels. And I just remember saying, like, like, please send me the solutions.

Kiley Woodland [00:19:39]:

Like, connect me with the people that I need to be connected with to, that will help me get out of this. Like, I need your help. And I think, like, one of the interesting things I’ve learned about that we can touch on this more later. But, you know, when you are in dire situations and you actually do reach out for help, and you say, like, I need help, please, God, guardian angels, whatever it is that you believe in universe, please help me. Like, then resources and solutions will be sent to you. I think a lot of people, when they’re going through hard times, are kind of like, oh, well, like, I’m not sure if I believe in that because, you know, why would this bad stuff be happening to me if that existed? But in my experience, when I was at my most dire, things were not happening for me until I started asking for help. So, anyway, I’m. I’m laying there, I’m.

Kiley Woodland [00:20:19]:

I’m asking for help, and one day I’m able to, like, pick up my phone in my hand, and I believe I clicked on Instagram. And the very first thing I saw was I was flocked. And it was an article leading to, like, a blog or something. And I was like, I’ve never. I’ve never heard that word before in my life. But I clicked it, and I start reading about it, and there’s this girl. The picture was her using a walker. And the first thing was, I took Cipro, and I’m just, like, mind blown.

Kiley Woodland [00:20:45]:

I knew instantly, like, reading her story, I was literally experiencing, like, the same thing. I mean, it was my own version of it, because everyone reacts a little bit differently. But what I found out later was that nsaids can essentially, like, contradict fluoroquinolone antibiotics. And what I was given was a fluoroquinolone antibiotic, which are a very strong class of antibiotics that the FDA says are only to be used in life and death situations, which means you have a culture test come back that says nothing else can help you or save your life. Fluoroquinolones may just save your life, but they are meant to be used in life end of situations, and they are currently not being used only in that way. So I had a reaction to them. It’s called a delayed onset reaction. Three years later, you know, while having some minor symptoms pop up, like, you know, fatigue and anxiety and such.

Kiley Woodland [00:21:36]:

And I just didn’t relate it to that cause I had no idea that there was any relation point. So my world essentially turned upside down from there. And I’ve been on a healing journey ever since to specifically heal from fluoroquinolone toxicity, which they often refer to as being flocked.

Leanne Vogel [00:21:57]:

Let’S talk about the symptoms of hypochlorhydria, also known as low stomach acid. Abdominal pain, bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, undigested food in your stool, acid reflux, heartburn. Sound familiar? Out of all of the patterns I see in my clients hair tissue, mineral analysis, and even in their blood work, low stomach acid is a huge issue. What helps stomach acid? Sodium. If you’re on a ketogenic diet, chances are you are not consuming enough sodium. Now, sodium is the body’s great solvent. It’s a primary alkalizer, and it influences stomach acid levels. If you’re dealing with allergies, abdominal bloating, depression, dizziness, fatigue, low blood pressure, poor protein, digestion.

Leanne Vogel [00:22:44]:

Like, you eat some protein and it just feels like it sits in your stomach. Even weakness can be because you don’t have enough sodium. Now, my favorite way to boost my sodium on a daily basis is to take at least three packets of element electrolytes per day. That’s a little bit hardcore for most people, but I tend to be a little bit more adrenal deficient. And so taking these electrolytes while I’m eating a low carb or even as deep as a ketogenic diet just takes things to the next level. I’ve been using element here for over.

Leanne Vogel [00:23:15]:

Two years, and I can say they.

Leanne Vogel [00:23:17]:

Are the best electrolyte powder, hands down. If you’ve never tried element, or maybe you just haven’t found the right flavor for you, you’re in luck. My friends over at element put together a really sweet offer for us. Right now, element is offering my listeners a free sample pack with any order. That’s eight single serving packets free with any element order. This is a great way to try all eight flavors or share them with a friend that’s maybe on the fence about joining your electrolyte party, get yours by going to drinklmnt.com kdp. This deal is only available through my link, so you must go to dash lmnt.com kdp. Element offers a no questions asked refund.

Leanne Vogel [00:24:03]:

Also, it’s totally risk free, so if you don’t like it, share it with a friend and get your money back, no questions asked. Again, that’s drinklmnt.com kdp.

Leanne Vogel [00:24:16]:

I can’t even imagine had you not found that article. And I’m sure you’ve thought about this, like, how many practitioners? Because if you show up to a doctor’s office with your. The symptoms you are presenting with, they’re probably going to think you’re nuts. Like, they’re not. They’re probably not going to put everything together. And the fact that the first moment that you had just a minuscule amount of energy, the first thing you find was the very thing you needed is just mind blowing. Like that is such a blessing because so many people go through years and doctors and searching and trying to figure out what happened. And the fact that you just landed on that so quickly, and I wouldn’t say so quickly, and that it sounded like when you were in that space, space, that must have been really challenging.

Leanne Vogel [00:25:04]:

And I can understand why now. Your drive is to make sure that people don’t feel alone, because I couldn’t even imagine how alone that would have been. Is that kind of how you realized at the beginning you had talked about, you had surrounded yourself with people that didn’t know you, didn’t care about you, and didn’t support you? Did that kind of come to light once you were in that space, kind of alone where you didn’t have anyone?

Kiley Woodland [00:25:29]:

Hmm. That’s a good question. There was definitely a lot of different versions of that, for sure. In that moment, I was no longer touring with that group. So what I will say about the experience is that something like antibiotic toxicity really seems to not only, like, ruffle feathers, but it. It seems like it. It makes people question their, like, internal beliefs that they’ve had for sometimes their entire lives. You know, I think a lot of people feel like, how could anything like this exist when, you know, doctors are meant to take care of us or our healthcare system is meant to take care of us.

Kiley Woodland [00:26:05]:

Like, it makes people question their internal beliefs. And in my experience, and since sharing my story online and being connected with thousands and thousands of people all over the world who are going through this or have gone through this, they say the same things as that. You know, they’ve been outcast by their family and friends. People stop talking to them. Doctors tell you that it’s just anxiety, or they tell you you’re crazy. It really flips your world upside down, like, in every sense of the word. And not to discount, like, any other maybe disease or illness, but I think a lot of the more, like, quote, like, common diseases that we’re used to hearing about, a lot of people say, oh, you have that. Oh, like, I’m so sorry.

Kiley Woodland [00:26:45]:

You say that you were, like, disabled by an antibiotic and put in a wheelchair for a year and a half of your life, people are like, uh, yeah, you’re looney tunes.

Kiley Woodland [00:26:54]:

Like, yeah, like, you’re crazy.

Kiley Woodland [00:26:57]:

Peace out. And the amount of people that, like, we’ve even experienced since all this happened is. It’s been enlightening, you know? And I think you really learn who’s willing to be there for you and willing to show up. But moreover, I think as a society, like, we are not taught how to show up for people who are really struggling. And I think, like, one of the most helpful things, you know, if you know someone who is going through hell and back, if they’re just doing their best to survive whatever it is that they’re going through, like, the best thing that you can do is to show up in a way where you’re just listening and you’re saying, you know, I’m so sorry. Let me, you know, just say, I’m here for you. If there’s anything I can do, let me know. Like, and I think people really overcomplicated a lot.

Kiley Woodland [00:27:36]:

I was very, very fortunate to have an incredible partner, and he has stayed by my side through all of this. I really. My heart goes out to people who go through something so extreme and don’t have someone to lean on because I really, truly don’t know how I would have gotten through it without him. But, yeah, it’s a really wild experience. I just like laughing at it. Yeah.

Leanne Vogel [00:27:58]:

Yeah. I mean, you get to that point where you must. I hadn’t even thought of the implications of just, like, sharing your story or being in that space. Not only do people just feel uncomfortable around sick people, but when you share something with them that just rattles at their core beliefs, it is challenging, you know? And people don’t know how to handle that situation. I hadn’t even thought about the implications of that. Wow. Yeah. And, I mean, I couldn’t imagine being in that space and then not having a partner, somebody close to me, living with me, caring for me.

Leanne Vogel [00:28:36]:

I mean, what. What a gift to have your partner there with you. And you said it, too. Like, I mean, even giving you water.

Kiley Woodland [00:28:44]:

Like, oh, yeah, no, he has single handedly, like, kept me alive on more days than I can count. Yeah, it’s interesting because, you know, everything that we just, like, talked about is not even the actual physical experience of, like, losing your ability to care for yourself or losing the ability to walk or losing the ability to have just, like, a normal meal and to not feel like you’re going to explode, you know? I mean, so it’s crazy to me that anyone going through this. And it’s. I feel fortunate to have been able to connect with so many people who are experiencing this. You know, I’m sad to, like, hear, oh, another person is experiencing this. And what’s trippy about it is that, like, most of the time, from the people I hear from, they are not even given any kind of diagnosis, and half the time, their culture will come back of, like, oh, I got it for UtI, and it turned out I didn’t even have a UtI, and it, you know, destroyed me. So that’s one of the biggest things that I feel kind of responsible for at this point, is, like, paying it forward and just letting people know that, you know, something as simple as an ear infection or an eye infection or a UTI or mild stomach discomfort, you can be just prescribed a fluoroquinolone antibiotic. And so I really just try to, you know, instead of saying, like, this is what I would do, it’s really not about that.

Kiley Woodland [00:30:01]:

It’s just, like, just make yourself informed on the topic, because I wish I knew about it a few years ago. Cause I would have very simply just, you know, ask for something else when I was in that situation, and my life will look completely differently right now. And I, you know, I I’m doing everything I can to just make the most of, like, all of this and to turn it into something that’s just, like, really, really phenomenal and uplifting and positive, and that’s essentially too, where celebrate the little wins came from. But, yeah, it’s just. It’s a really strange experience and one that I never thought, you know, would be part of my story. But now that it is, I think, you know, like, when. When life presents itself to you and in certain ways that you just never planned for and are just like, what am I supposed to do with this? You know, like, it is an opportunity to kind of move to the other side of being like, okay, well, like, well, what good can I do with it?

Leanne Vogel [00:30:54]:

So I’m imagining that you’re actually connecting with a lot of people that have said that they’ve gotten flocks, and you mentioned some of the situations where they would have been prescribed, like, utis, ear infections. What are some of the stories you’ve heard? Are they similar to yours and that it’s a delayed onset thing or they’re kind of a mixture of stuff? Is it triggered by the onset, or does it come on suddenly? Like, what. What sorts of stories are you hearing from other individuals about it?

Kiley Woodland [00:31:22]:

It’s definitely been a combination of stories, like, mine and ones that have reactions right away, things like steroids, nsaids, can essentially contradict the fluoroquinolone and cause a reaction. Fluoroquinolone antibiotics kind of. It’s. It’s kind of a rough terrain in terms of who might be affected by it. We do know that if you are magnesium deficient, if you have MTHFR, if you are anemic, are all things that make you more susceptible to being phloxed. If you take a fluoroquinolone, fluoroquinolones can have a cumulative effect as well, where you take it one time and you’re fine, and then you take it the next and you’re not. People seem to have a wide range of. And the reason for that is that fluoroquinolone antibiotics can cause severe mitochondrial damage.

Kiley Woodland [00:32:09]:

Mitochondrial damage can look different for everyone. So for some people, you know, I would say more of the generalized symptoms, it can. It can mess up your gut, cause all sorts of GI issues. It can affect your heart, your eyes, your kidneys, your central nervous system, your liver. So many things are affected by this. And again, it kind of sits under the framework of mitochondrial damage. So there is a lot that you can do to heal. It seems that everyone’s path to healing looks a little differently.

Kiley Woodland [00:32:40]:

Certain things that work for me may not work for somebody else and vice versa, but a lot of it is, right now, kind of in this space of, you know, there. There is not a protocol in terms of, like, the one size fits all that even doctors are aware of. There’s only a few doctors in the entire world that, in my opinion, are really aware of this topic and actually know how to, you know, approach the treatment. One of those doctors is Doctor Mark Galile out of LA. He’s a regenerative doctor. And I went to see him initially when I was really just feeling like, you know, I don’t know if I’m going to survive this. So it was a little bit of like a last ditch effort of, like, nothing I’m doing is working. You know, I need to see someone who can tell me something about this topic, because there’s.

Kiley Woodland [00:33:23]:

There’s not like a. There’s not a resource on the Internet where it’s just like all things fluoroquinolone toxicity, where you can really find sound information, you know, certain things like, if you’re flocked and you take, like, b six, for example, it can cause all sorts of methylation issues and is a neurotoxin to some people. And if you have things like MTHFR, you might be more susceptible. So there’s a lot of like very little nuanced things about this journey. Doctor G really helped me to kick off my healing journey and it’s, it’s been like more than a full time job in the last year and a half. Just getting back to baseline of even just being able to like sit here and chat with you. I went months and months and months, not even being able to like sit in a chair normally because of the tendon and nerve pain that I’ve had. So one of the things for me that I’ve experienced is widespread tendon and nerve pain, which is just so trippy to experience where it’s like one day I’ll be absolutely fine and the next day I’m like, you know, can’t walk again.

Kiley Woodland [00:34:20]:

And luckily everything that I’m doing is working. And, you know, anyone who’s suffering with this, I’d just like to make it clear that healing is possible. It just really takes a lot of, you know, I think navigating it in a career, creative way and creatively problem solving to discover what really works for you.

Leanne Vogel [00:34:38]:

So what have you found to be like if you could choose? I know that you said like, personally it’s going to look so different depending on a bunch of different factors, but if you could just look back on your healing journey, this full time job that you’re currently doing, what have been sort of the highlights for you in the individuals that you’ve connect with, whether it be Doctor G or others, the practices that you’re doing, like what are some of the key things that you’ve noticed have really been helpful for you and that you’re really thankful for?

Kiley Woodland [00:35:07]:

That’s a great question. There are definitely, I could probably write a book at this point of everything that I’ve done. The things that stand out the most to me are definitely foundationally, I would say diet is incredibly important. Making sure that you have ultra clean water, the meat and, you know, any type, any of your protein sources are highest quality, grass fed, pasture raised, local farm pretty much as a clean, cleanest food source that you can possibly find. Eliminating things like there are varying degrees depending on how badly you were affected. Granted I was had a very severe case. So cutting out things like caffeine, all stimulants, wheat, refined sugar, all teas, green tea, anything that has potential source of fluoride. There’s others as well.

Kiley Woodland [00:35:54]:

You can find more in my relief guide. I have a free relief guide available for anyone who’s suffering with it. I have a whole trigger list. That’s about probably 50 things to avoid. Other things that are really important to avoid are things like nsaids. Had I known that, I have no doubt I could have avoided being a wheelchair for a year in my life. Steroids, lots of different types of medications. So I think getting like, the food foundation is really, really important.

Leanne Vogel [00:36:18]:

Yeah. After that, you share a lot of food stuff on your instagram as well, right? Like what you’re doing and diet stuff.

Kiley Woodland [00:36:26]:

A lot of clean eating. I actually have a background. When I wasn’t performing, I was a former private chef. So I do a lot of clean eating recipes now and stuff to help those who are looking for that kind of thing.

Leanne Vogel [00:36:39]:

Okay. That makes a lot of sense. Okay. Okay. Everything’s coming together. Okay, so diet. Yep. What were the other things?

Kiley Woodland [00:36:46]:

Yep. Other things that are really important are minerals and antioxidants. So like glutathione and coq ten and ala, those can all be really helpful. It seems that depending again on how bad you badly you were flocked, certain people will do really well with those. And certain people will be like, oh, I don’t do glutathione orally well, but I can do it intravenously. So there’s, it’s very nuanced, like I said before. And part of it is just, you know, discovering what works for you. Minerals are really important too.

Kiley Woodland [00:37:16]:

Magnesium, potassium, selenium, boron. Let’s see, those are definitely probably more foundational that are really important. And again, obviously this is not medical advice. This is just what’s worked for me. But other, other ones see like, like collagen peptides, jellyfish collagen has really helped me a lot. Jellyfish collagen is one of the most bioavailable forms of collagen on the market. And that’s just, it’s one of my favorites. As well as deuterium depleted water that has been incredibly helpful for me.

Kiley Woodland [00:37:46]:

Peptides, different ones that I really enjoy, ones like BPC 157 have been really helpful. And then I think focusing on healing the gut, you know, obviously that’s a really big area that is generally affected by fluoroquinolone toxicity and can get torn apart. And I have found things like colostrum gelatin, grass fed gelatin. Again, all of these, you know, finding like the highest quality source that you possibly can. And in my relief guide, I have all of these linked to. For anyone who’s like overwhelmed by it, I pretty much just, when all this happened to me, I was pretty much just like, wow, I feel more alone than I’ve ever felt before. I literally feel like no one believes me. No one.

Kiley Woodland [00:38:26]:

I don’t. I don’t even have anyone to talk to who’s been through this, you know, so, like, all of these things were just like my daily reality. And then simultaneously, you know, being gaslit by doctors and family and friends and people, just, like, it was just so overwhelming. And then on top of all that, it’s like the physical experience of, like, losing your ability to do. You know, I could no longer go for walks or hold a pen or pick up a cup with my hand. You know, like, you lose your ability to just function normally, and it’s. It’s just. It’s a crazy, like, physical experience.

Kiley Woodland [00:38:59]:

And then the mental and emotional, like, trauma from it is, you know, so isolating. So essentially, my whole goal in the beginning was just like, you know, I just need to, like, build community for myself so I don’t feel so alone. And then the more that I started sharing, even though it was like, it was. It’s really been the most uncomfortable thing I’ve ever shared in my life because I, like, I share a lot of really vulnerable stuff and things that, you know, is, like, super cringe. I’m just like, whatever. Like, I know this is gonna help me in some way. So I really just do my best to show up as the person that I needed when all this happened.

Leanne Vogel [00:39:35]:

I’m of the approach that alcohol, if.

Leanne Vogel [00:39:37]:

Used responsibly, can be a really nice experience. The problem when you’re eating a ketogenic diet is most alcohol, especially wine, is.

Leanne Vogel [00:39:45]:

Completely off the table because a lot.

Leanne Vogel [00:39:47]:

Of wines add a ton of sugar. So it is possible to enjoy wine on your ketogenic diet. And that’s why I personally love dry farm wines. I’ve been working with them since about 2018, so it’s been a while. These guys continue to produce and pull together. They really curate the best quality wines.

Leanne Vogel [00:40:07]:

Out there that have zero sugar.

Leanne Vogel [00:40:10]:

Now, this isn’t going to affect your overall ketones, though. When there’s alcohol in your system, your ketones will reduce. Unlike other wines, where not only is your body responding to the alcohol and burning through the alcohol, it’s also responding to the glucose. So in the case of dry farm wines, where they’re curating some of the best zero sugar wines, you’ll be back into ketosis the next morning. What I love about dry farm wines is that not only do they care about sourcing zero sugar products, but they also care about small, sustainable farming, natural wines, organic really searching for low alcohol wines. You get to enjoy the wine without getting totally sloshed. Zero additive, zero carbs. And the coolest part of all is that when you make your first order, you can add an extra bottle of wine to your order for just a penny.

Leanne Vogel [00:41:00]:

If you want to learn more about dry farm wines and what I’m talking.

Leanne Vogel [00:41:04]:

About, the best place to go is dry.

Leanne Vogel [00:41:07]:

Farmwines.com leannvogel. So that’s dryfarmwines.com leannvogel. L e a n n e v o g e l when you head on over to that page, we’ll give you more information about dry farm wines. What you’re looking at, how you can use this. What’s wrong with wine today, including the chemical farming and the labeling issues, really, so that you can educate yourself on what to look for in a good wine. Again, that’s dry. Farmwines.com leannvogel.

Leanne Vogel [00:41:48]:

How has the creative process been like for you? Because as a very, like, creative human being, what was that like for you? Are you now channeling that creativity into the work you’re doing now? I know myself as a creative when there are moments in my life where I can’t create, it’s. It’s just such a terrible feeling.

Leanne Vogel [00:42:08]:

Did you have that?

Leanne Vogel [00:42:09]:

Was that part of some of the challenges that you had walking through this?

Kiley Woodland [00:42:14]:

Oh, yeah, yeah. I’m still going through that in different ways. It pretty much started at, you know, like, I play multiple instruments. I always have a notebook and a pen with me. I’m always writing. At least that was my reality before all this happened. And when I started to lose, like, functionality over my body, I was no longer able to play any instruments. I couldn’t pick up the ukulele or sit down at a piano or play the flute or get behind the drums, whatever.

Kiley Woodland [00:42:41]:

It was like, even singing hurt. And singing is like, you know, one of my main go tos, right? So. So, yeah, it pretty much at the beginning, there was no way except to maybe, like, whisper to get out any type of creative idea. Eric would sit by my side, like, month after month with a guitar and just try and, you know, create a space that could be, like, something could come through. But it was just so. I was so, like, distraught. And I definitely felt a lot of, I mean, like, what do you do? How do you cope when, like, your world’s falling apart and every form and coping modality that you rely on is no longer possible? And so it really put me into this, like, introspective face of my life in a way that I just didn’t ever, you know, knew existed before. So, yeah, for the last year and a half, I haven’t been able to play my instruments, which is crazy for me, you know, going every single day playing.

Kiley Woodland [00:43:34]:

There’s been many months when I haven’t been able to write, thankfully. I feel like I’m finally past that, where, you know, my fingers and my wrists are strong enough to write even a little bit, you know, most days. But it’s been a really long journey, and it was really only just a couple months ago in, like, mid January, where I was actually able to sing for the first time without having severe tendon and nerve pain in my chest and shoulders and. And, you know, where it didn’t feel like the tendons were tearing off my bones. So it started to create this really weird experience where I was actually, like, starting to fear the things that I loved so much, where I was like, well, if I sing, am I going to be suffering in pain again? Because I would do that constantly, like, month after month, all of last year, and then I’d just be out, and I’d be. Feel like my shoulder’s falling out of its socket and my tendons are tearing off again, and I’m like, how. How long do I have to go? Like, is this, like, what my future is? Like? You know, I think you start thinking about it. Like, you just start spiraling in ways.

Kiley Woodland [00:44:34]:

And so, yeah, it’s really. It’s been, like, this internal, you know, when you feel like you don’t have anything left and nothing is working, and you just are not sure what the future looks like anymore because you’ve been through such trauma. Like, I think it really makes you just go to a place internally that is, like, led with faith. And I’ve always felt, like a very faithful person and, like, you know, trusting that. But it really didn’t hit me like it did when I was just at the end of the road, and I was kind of like, I don’t even know if I’m gonna survive this. Like, maybe this is the end, you know? And I think when you, like, meet yourself there and it’s the end of all your dreams, life as you know it, it gives you an opportunity to move into a space of more faith and more, like, leading with the path that is presenting itself to you, and you start leaning into that trust even more. And I think you can go the complete opposite, too, where you become hardened and you become bitter. And I had a lot of days, too, where I was just like, wow, I’m so bitter from this, or I’m so angry or, man, I feel like the sprightly, like, young, beautiful person that I felt like I was is gone, and I don’t, like, you know, you just don’t know anymore.

Kiley Woodland [00:45:44]:

So I’ve experienced both, and I can definitely say with, like, confidence that the other side, you know, leaning into, how is this happening for me, even when it is the hardest thing, and you. You can’t even see a path forward, like, how is this happening for me? And moving through faith with that will bring, like, the most incredible people in your life will bring the most incredible opportunities forward. And, you know, for that, I’m like, thank you so much for this experience. You know, even though it’s. It’s. It’s still hard. It’s still hard on the daily, but I I’m moving through it in a way of just being like, I know I will fully heal from this, and I will stop at nothing to get there, and then I’m going to help other people do it, and that’s pretty cool.

Leanne Vogel [00:46:25]:

That kind of leads me to my next question. As you were talking, I was wondering, have you thought about kind of where this is gonna go for you? Like, where do you want this to go in five years, ten years, 20 years? I’m not that type of person. Like, when people ask me this question, I’m like, I don’t know. I’m just gonna roll with it. But some people really think about those things, and they marinate on them and dream about those things. Like, we’re. It sounds like part of it is gonna be like, I’m gonna get better, and I’m gonna help other people. Have you put into thought about what that would look like? Or sky’s the limit.

Leanne Vogel [00:46:59]:

Like, have you put any thought into what that would look like down the road?

Kiley Woodland [00:47:03]:

Oh, absolutely. I mean, I’ve had so many, so many days where I’m just, like, laying, staring at the wall. I think, like, you have to. There is part of the healing journey where you actually have to take yourself out of the present moment in order to get through it, and you have to start creating this vision in your mind and in your heart, and you have to start feeling what these emotions and this experience would feel like in your ideal world and where you see yourself being. So, yeah, I mean, my ultimate goal is to get back to the stage. I want to be performing on stage again and, you know, singing my songs with millions of people around the world. That’s first and foremost for me. I see celebrate the little wins becoming a self sponsoring community of sorts where people who are suffering with this are, you know, they’re seen and they’re.

Kiley Woodland [00:47:48]:

They’re helped and they’re acknowledged, and they feel like they have a community to rely on and a place that will help them get through this. So, you know, one thing that is incredibly helpful that I don’t see at all in this community yet is in terms of, like, the fluxed kind of space is everyone fends for themselves and, you know, there’s a lot of space for financial help and people who need help, whether it’s with treatments or supplements or, you know, different lifestyle changes and. And whatnot. There’s so many aspects to this that is just such a 360 like experience. And, yeah, I would just love to connect the dots for that and provide people a space of healing. So ultimately, I think with celebrate the little wins, it is to create that space for people. So I’m really excited we’re going to be launching. Ideally, when this comes out, it’ll already.

Kiley Woodland [00:48:38]:

Be launched, which is crazy. Yes. Yes. That’s so exciting. Tell us more about what. Because a website doesn’t just come up together over the course of a day.

Leanne Vogel [00:48:50]:

So what’s kind of in your vision.

Leanne Vogel [00:48:52]:

Around the design of it and just, like, how do you want people to feel? I know that you, being an artist, you probably thought about all those things. So, like, what’s kind of, what are you trying to achieve with it? Like, what is your. What’s the meat behind it?

Kiley Woodland [00:49:09]:

The ultimate goal with celebrate the little wins is to help people discover their natural ability to heal and overcome anything. I think what I’ve experienced with this is fluoroquinolone toxicity can be incredibly hopeless, and there are a lot of people who get so messed up by it and don’t have the right tools that it seems like healing is not possible. But I do want people to know that even if you are going through, like, the worst of the worst, that healing is possible. And pretty much like, whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right. So celebrate the little wins, ultimately, in my mind, would. Would remind people of that and provide them a space to exist in and to be inspired by and to feel hopeful, because these are all things that, like, I did not feel when it happened to me, and I had to, like, pull myself out of the trenches on the daily, and I still do for the last year and a half and find any means that I possibly can that helped me keep going. So I really just strive for it to be like this space that, that includes people, that makes them feel like there is more and you can actually build something incredible out of like the terrible things that have happened in your life as far as like functionality and stuff goes. There will be lots of resources, ebooks, things that, you know, I wish I had in the beginning of all this as well as for people who are not flocked, who are just looking to, you know, maybe strengthen their, their idea of like what they can do and where they can take the creativity and, and yeah, I think there’s a lot of space too for it to grow creatively, like in the community of like what does the community want? And it’s pretty cool just starting that kind of like movement online because I have found that there’s thousands of people around the world who are even struggling with other things that are, that have nothing to do with fluoroquinolone toxicity, that find hope and peace and being like, ah, if that person can do that, then maybe I can do it too.

Kiley Woodland [00:50:58]:

And that’s something I really wish I knew in the beginning was like, you know, I had a really, when I found the doctor that I ended up seeing, Doctor G, what really called me to him is that he was flocks as well, years, years prior, and he healed himself. And when I saw that, I was just like, if he can do that, I can do that. Doesn’t matter the details, you know, like I’ll inevitably figure the details out along the road, but if one person can do that, I can do that. So I’d really just like it to be like that, you know, shining light, an example too, where it just provides like a comforting space and encouraging space and kind of like, you know, how are you going to build something incredible out of like the terrible things you’ve been dealt with?

Leanne Vogel [00:51:36]:

Do you think it will influence your music and the creative process behind all of that?

Kiley Woodland [00:51:41]:

Absolutely. It actually already has. We’ve been working on a lot of material that is like, you know, I think as an artist, like, I, you always like love or you have different like varying degrees of how much you like or love what you’ve created in the past. And then I think there’s like this different level of depth that you can tap into when you do go through something that’s just like unimaginable because there’s been like so many thoughts and things that I’ve, that have just inevitably like come up through this experience that has given us so much like lyrical and melodic fodder, if you will. I mean, there have even been songs that have come up that I have written just completely acapella because I didn’t have the ability to play a piano or play a chord on the ukulele like I normally would like in writing a song. So there’s definitely, like, a lot of discovery to be found if you are willing to jump into that, you know, creatively problem solve, like, what you’re up against. And they’re, like, some of the best songs I’ve ever written. But the process to getting there was, like, pulling teeth because I, like, hated it.

Kiley Woodland [00:52:42]:

I was like, I, like, you know, insert every swear word imaginable. Like, I just wanted to be on the piano and just being, like, expressing, like I normally would, you know, where it’s, like, it’s almost feeding your melodic structure of your song in a way, but this was just like, well, like, where does it go when there isn’t any of that structure? And they’ve, like, become some of the craziest songs I’ve ever written. So I think there’s always opportunity in moments that don’t even feel like they have opportunity if you’re willing to go there and if you’re willing to just sit with yourself and, like, literally just be uncomfortable. I mean, I’ve experienced almost two years of my life just being so incredibly uncomfortable, like, every single day where I just want to, like, crawl out of my skin because I’m so uncomfortable, not only physically, but mentally and emotionally, just processing and figuring out ways, like, oh, I didn’t even. I don’t even know how to process, like, this kind of PTSD or whatever. Whatever it is. But I think there’s always, like, that opportunity to look for and, you know, essentially, like, that little wind to look for, no matter what it is that you’re going through. And that’s.

Kiley Woodland [00:53:45]:

That’s really how celebrate little winds came about, is just literally not being able to do anything and then being like, well, what is the one thing I can do right now? And I’m like, oh, I can open my eyes, and even though I can’t move my body, I can see, and I can see that, like, that fire flickering next to me, and that’s so beautiful. Thank you. I can still see. Like, I can see, you know? And so, like, relishing in those feelings and then stacking the little wins, if you will. Every single day has just become, like, this muscle that I’ve been working over and over and over again, and it’s tedious, you know, and it can be exhausting, and you’re just like, I just don’t want to do it anymore, you know? But it’s. It really, I think if you can do that, like, regardless of what it is that you’re going through and just, you know, take a step back, take a breath, and be like, you know, what? Like, what is that little win? What is that one thing I can be thankful for or notice something good, and then. Then you can start stacking those little wins, and ultimately, they become, like, the biggest things, the greatest things in your day, you know?

Leanne Vogel [00:54:43]:

Kylie, this is incredible. Yes.

Leanne Vogel [00:54:45]:

Thank you.

Leanne Vogel [00:54:46]:

Yes. You are so inspiring. I know that whether an individual has been flocked or they’re just dealing with a hard time, your words and the stuff that you share online is just such a.

Leanne Vogel [00:54:59]:

You can tell that you’re an artist.

Leanne Vogel [00:55:00]:

You’re so good with your words. You’re so intentional with how you describe things. Everything you’ve said sounds like poetry. And so it’s just incredible to hear your story from your perspective. And I’m just so thankful that you’re doing this. And I know that regardless, like you said, whether an individual is flocks or they’re just on really hard times, I know that the content that you share and the artistry behind even the food preparation, it makes so much sense that you have that background, because I’m like, there’s something here to this. So I’m glad that you mentioned that. Where can people find more from you? How can they connect with you? You mentioned your new website.

Leanne Vogel [00:55:40]:

Can you tell us all the details about how to connect?

Kiley Woodland [00:55:43]:

Absolutely. And thank you so much for that. It means so much. I’m like, I was almost starting. I was like, oh, no, don’t tear up. Don’t tear up. So kind of you, though. And I I just want to say, too, that, like, I feel your heart online.

Kiley Woodland [00:55:56]:

And I think that’s just one of the most, like, beautiful things that you can provide as a creator, as an artist. Artist. It’s so refreshing and just wanted to make sure I thank you for that. And I know a lot of other people feel that, too. I mean, clearly. Thanks. You can find me anywhere at celebrate the little wins, YouTube, TikTok, instagram, and then celebratethelittlewinds.com. And yay.

Kiley Woodland [00:56:22]:

I’m so excited for it. And I do have a fluoroquinolone toxicity relief guide that just has a lot of resources in it that may be helpful to someone who finds themselves in a situation of being like, oh, you know, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia or lymes or miss. And what really happened was you were flocks, you know, which is something I hear of often. So anyway, if you’re looking for resources, there’s a lot in there. My DM’s are always open. If anyone is out there who’s going through something hard and they just, you know, need a friend, I’m here. And of course Lian’s here. Obviously.

Kiley Woodland [00:56:59]:

She’s awesome.

Leanne Vogel [00:57:01]:

I’m here. I’m here. And I’m going to include the toxicity relief guide link in the show notes because I know it’s like a little bit complicated. It’s like Stan store slash. So we’re just going to include the link in the show notes so people can click that and get it. Thanks for coming on. This was so good to get to know you more. And I hope that the people that are listening become your friend that need to be your friend because that is just such a warm, a warm invite.

Leanne Vogel [00:57:28]:

Thanks so much for coming on the show today.

Kiley Woodland [00:57:30]:

Thanks for having me, Leanne, it’s been a pleasure.

Leanne Vogel [00:57:32]:

I hope you enjoyed our time with Kylie again. Her Instagram iselebratethelittle wins TikTok the same thing. Her website celebratethelittlewinds.com and then I will include the access to her toxicity relief guide in the show notes because it’s a super long URL and I just don’t want you to have to go through typing all that out. So check out the show notes for links and we will see you back here for another episode of the podcast.

Leanne Vogel [00:58:00]:

Bye. Thanks for listening. Join us next Tuesday for another episode of the Keto Diet podcast. Looking for more resources? Go to healthfulpursuit.com for keto meal plans, weight loss programs, low carb recipes, and oodles of free resources to get you going.

Leanne Vogel [00:58:21]:

The Keto our Diet podcast, including show.

Leanne Vogel [00:58:23]:

Notes and links, provides information in respect to healthy living recipes, nutrition, and diet and is intended for informational purposes only. The information provided is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, nor is it to be construed as such. We cannot guarantee that the information provided on the Keto diet podcast reflects the most up to date medical research. Information is provided without any representation or.

Leanne Vogel [00:58:47]:

Warranties of any kind.

Leanne Vogel [00:58:49]:

Please consult a qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your health and nutrition program.

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