This High-Protein Breakfast Is My Favorite Post-Workout Meal

Weekend workouts are my favorite. Instead of feeling rushed like I do with my early morning weekday fitness classes, I can sleep in a bit and spend more time stretching and cooling down. There’s also plenty of time to dream about my perfect post-workout meal. It involves a variety of delicious vegetables paired with eggs, bacon and cheese. Does this high-protein post-workout meal sound too good to be true? Luckily, it’s not. I created this dish because after a hard workout, I need replenishment, and not only does it need to meet my nutrition expectations, but it also has to taste good. Here’s why this Southwest Breakfast Skillet makes for the best high-protein, post-workout meal!

I’ve always been an athlete. When I was little, I swam and played soccer, albeit not very well. As a middle-schooler, I got into volleyball and tennis, which I continued to play in high school. I quickly learned that exercise was about more than effort, athleticism and strength; it was also about nutrition. I remember one time a classmate’s mother brought in doughnuts before a volleyball match. Of course we ate them, and of course our performance at that game was tragic. We’d used up that quick sugar burst during our warm up and we were left with that sluggish aftermath that comes from eating high-sugar, high-saturated fat foods. Our coach wasn’t impressed and donuts were banned (at least before games).

In college, I joined the cycling team, where I had the good fortune of working with a coach who truly cared about performance. Her well-rounded approach included the usual things—weight-lifting, drills and long bike rides to build endurance but also nutrition. She encouraged us to consider the foods we were using as fuel and taught us that vegetables, fruits and whole grains not only made you feel better but also helped you perform better. I loved it and around the same time switched my major from fashion design to nutrition!

As an adult, I still love exercise. It’s how I stay fit, both mentally and physically. Anyone that knows me knows that I love hard workouts. Put me in a HIIT class and I’m a happy girl. But those classes are impossible without the right nutrition, both before and after. And since I’ve gotten older, that post-workout fuel has gotten even more important.

Exercise is exhilarating! Your endorphins are pumping along with your heart, lungs and muscles. That’s a lot of work and energy spent. You need to replenish to both repair and recover. Carbohydrates and protein are the ultimate combination for recovery. It’s why this skillet starts with potatoes, which are rich in carbohydrates, but also potassium, an important electrolyte in hydration. Eggs and cheese add protein, which helps rebuild and repair muscle tissue. They’re the reason this dish comes to a whopping 17 grams of protein per serving! Add some vegetables for color and fiber, and you’ve got a one-dish meal that will instantly make you feel like you could take on another workout.

If it all seems like too much work—I mean you did just workout—then try prepping ingredients ahead of time. All of the vegetables can be chopped in advance, or consider picking up pre-cut versions at the produce section or salad bar. Also, while I love the recipe as written, feel free to adjust the ingredients based on your preferences and what you have on-hand. Almost any collection of vegetables would be delicious!

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