The 7 Best No-Added-Sugar Snacks for Better Blood Sugar

Snacks are a valuable way to keep blood sugars and energy levels steady, whether you have diabetes, prediabetes or are simply being proactive about balancing blood sugars. These between-meal bites can help prevent blood sugar (and energy) crashes during the day. It’s no surprise, however, that certain snacks affect blood sugars differently.

That’s where the conversation about added sugar comes in. Sweet snacks are one of the top sources of added sugars in the U.S. diet, and too much of the sweet stuff can contribute to weight gain, type 2 diabetes and heart disease. “It’s beneficial to minimize added sugar intake by choosing snacks with little to no added sugars. This simple habit can make a big difference in maintaining stable blood sugar levels,” says Esther Tambe, M.S., RDN, CDCES, a certified diabetes care and education specialist. 

We spoke with registered dietitians who shared their top tips for selecting a snack for healthy blood sugars, along with the best no-added-sugar snacks for better blood sugar.

How to Choose a Snack for Healthy Blood Sugar Levels

Besides minimizing added sugars, experts recommend ensuring your snack has more than just carbs. “I always recommend choosing a snack that includes at least two different food groups. This will make the snack more enticing by adding multiple colors and/or textures and adding a variety of different nutrients,” says Philadelphia-based Stacey Woodson, M.S., RDN.

For better blood sugar, it’s especially important to include protein and fiber. And if you eat the protein-rich food first, you’ll benefit from a slower release of blood sugar in the bloodstream, says Samantha DeVito, M.S., RD, a registered dietitian based in Park Ridge, New Jersey. Some protein-rich snack foods include nuts, Greek yogurt, seeds and cheese.

Fiber is another important nutrient for balancing blood sugars. “Fiber acts like a garbage collector, if glucose is litter. When our meal contains fiber, it sticks to glucose, which causes a slower release of sugar into the bloodstream,” says DeVito. You can add fiber through foods like fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds and whole grains. 

The 7 Best No-Added-Sugar Snacks for Better Blood Sugar

1. Greek Yogurt with Nuts and Berries

Greek yogurt with nuts and berries is a well-rounded snack for blood sugars. “Most Greek yogurts are high in protein and contain no added sugars, while nuts provide healthy fats and fiber, which are excellent for blood sugar balance,” says Tambe. 

Top off this snack off with berries for added fiber and even more blood sugar benefits, recommends Kristen Lorenz, RDN, a Michigan-based private practice registered dietitian. The fiber from the berries also reduces a rise in blood sugar after eating.

Note that flavored Greek yogurt can be a source of added sugar, so we recommend selecting plain Greek yogurt or a brand that’s added-sugar-free. “I like Two Good yogurts and smoothies for their high protein content and low sugar,” says Tambe.

2. Veggies with Hummus

For the savory food lovers out there, hummus and veggies is another great snack option. Lorenz recommends this combo because it has a good balance of carbs, fiber and protein. In fact, the American Diabetes Association considers legumes (like the chickpeas used to make hummus) to be plant-based protein superstars because they offer fiber, protein and a range of minerals like potassium and zinc. Veggies like peppers, cucumbers and carrots are low in carbs and great for dipping.

3. Apple with Peanut Butter

Although you may have heard you should avoid fruit because of its sugar content, fruit is full of fiber and other plant compounds that work together to promote health. It’s an important food group for everyone, especially if you’re focused on preventing diabetes.

To mitigate fruit’s impact on blood sugars, pair fruit with a source of protein and/or fat, like an apple with peanut butter or other nut butter. “Pectin (the fiber from the apple) paired with the fat and protein from peanut butter will help keep you full while also helping keep your blood sugars in check,” says Lorenz.

Some peanut butter has added sugars, so check the ingredients list to ensure yours is added-sugar-free. Ones without added sugars are often marketed as “natural,” but scan the ingredients. Ideally, the only ingredient is peanuts or nuts with salt. 

4. Hard-Boiled Egg with Grapes

Another fruit-forward snack DeVito recommends for better blood sugars is grapes with a hard-boiled egg. The grapes give you a burst of sweetness and a bit of fiber, and the hard-boiled egg provides protein to help lessen blood sugar spikes. If you’re not a hard-boiled egg fan, you can swap the egg for string cheese. 

5. Homemade Energy Balls

Energy balls—made with nuts, dried fruit and spices or other flavorings—are another great option for blood sugars, and they’re easy to make without added sugars. “I love to blend dates, unsweetened cocoa powder and nuts and then roll them into balls. They are the perfect treat because they are sweet and chocolaty but filled with fiber and protein, which helps you feel full longer and keeps your blood sugar stable,” says Woodson. For more energy ball ideas, check out our 22 Best Energy Ball Recipes That Are Perfect for Meal Prepping.

6. Chocolate Avocado Pudding

Avocados are another great food for diabetes. In fact, research has linked higher avocado intake with better blood sugars, especially for people with diabetes. For a decadent avocado snack, prepare chocolate avocado pudding. Try our recipe for “Chocomole” Pudding, or follow Woodson’s advice: Blend together ripe avocado, banana and cocoa powder. “I love to top it with some pumpkin seeds to amp up the fiber content and add a little protein to help maintain healthy blood sugars,” says Woodson. 

7. Chia Pudding

Chia pudding is often enjoyed for breakfast, but it also makes for a great snack. Simply soak chia seeds in the unsweetened milk of your choice for a few hours and you have a delightful pudding. You can top it with fruit, nuts and spices like cinnamon for added flavor and nutrition.

Chia seeds are an excellent source of heart-healthy fat and fiber and each ounce has only 12 grams of carbs—plus 10 grams of fiber. Because of their impressive nutrition makeup, research shows chia seeds can help reduce risk of diabetes and keep blood sugars in check. Chia seeds have a few grams of protein per ounce, but you can add even more protein by soaking them in dairy, soy or protein-fortified plant milk. This can help keep you fuller longer and prevent blood sugars from spiking.

The Bottom Line

Snacks are a helpful way to prevent blood sugar dips between meals. That said, to prevent a snack from spiking your blood sugars, especially if you have diabetes, it’s worth prioritizing added-sugar-free options that contain protein and fiber. Some blood-sugar-friendly snacks dietitians recommend include an apple with peanut butter, homemade energy balls, veggies with hummus and a hard-boiled egg with grapes. Happy snacking!

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